RTAS’20, the 26th in a series of annual conferences sponsored by the IEEE, will be held in Sydney, Australia, as part of the Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet-of-Things Week (CPS-IoT Week 2020) from the 21st to the 24th of April, 2020. RTAS ’20 is being organised in cooperation with Usenix.
RTAS’20 has two main tracks, and opportunities for Brief Presentations and Demonstrations of Work in Progress.
- Track 1: Applications, Operating Systems and Run-Time Software; and
- Track 2: Applied Methodologies and Foundations.
Expanded scope: RTAS is a top-tier conference with a focus on systems research related to embedded systems and time-sensitive systems (of any size). The broad scope of RTAS’20 ranges from traditional hard real-time systems to embedded systems without explicit timing requirements, including latency-sensitive systems with informal or soft real-time requirements.
Apr 20
RTAS is Live Now
Gernot Heiser, the Program Chair, has recorded a 15-minute Welcome (including announcements of the Best Paper awards, and instructions for nominating Best Presentations.)
The Keynote presentation by Dacheng Tao
(University of Sydney)
AI – Quest for Deep Learning will be presented via Zoom at 10am Sydney time; connection details in the Slack Channel.
Apr 20
Less than 24 hours to go!
RTAS kicks off tomorrow morning! On Wed, 22 April at 9:00 Sydney time (21 April 23:00 UTC), that is less than 24h from now, the PC Chair’s welcome message will go live. 10:00 is the first CPS-IoW Week keynote, and at 11:00 (01:00 UTC) the links to all videos and papers will appear and be live on this site.
Apr 20
Conference Program is Up
The conference program is now public. Remember to register, it’s free! And stay tuned for details on how to access presentation videos and papers and how to participate in discussions.
Apr 20
Format of Virtual RTAS
RTAS is a world-wide community, with strong representation throughout Asia, Europe and across the Americas. As such, there are no times that are not in the middle of the night for a significant fraction of the community.
We therefore decided not to have live talks, which would advantage some and disadvantage others (including inevitably some of the authors). Instead we will have videos for all talks recorded by the authors. These will go live on the morning of Wed, 22 April Sydney time, i.e. at the time the physical conference was supposed to start.
The videos will be accessible by all registered participants, and registration is free, for details see the CPS-IoT Week registration page. There will be slack channels where participants will be able to ask questions on the papers, and authors will be requested to provide answers within 48h of the start of the conference. We will also do our best to capture and preserve the discussions.
We’ll provide more information in the next few days.
Mar 20
Fee refunds
Dear CPS-IoT Week Community,
Wish all of you and your family safe during this challenging time.
We have been monitoring the developing COVID-19 pandemic. The safety and well-being of all conference participants is our priority. After evaluating the guidelines released by relevant national authorities, CPS-IoT Week 2020 is still scheduled to happen 21-24 April, but in an entirely virtual format due to the pandemic. The details of the virtual format will be provided soon.
In accordance to the event guidelines, at least one author registration will be required for each paper to be included in the proceedings. The registration fee has been reduced to a flat fee of AU$340 accordingly. We will arrange to refund the registration fee differences in the following weeks. At the meantime, if you have a non-author registration and would like to cancel your registration to get full refund, please email us (localarrangecpsiot2020@gmail.com).
Mar 20
RTAS’20 is going fully virtual
Dear RTAS community, the following has just been posted on the CPS-IoT Week home page:
“We have been monitoring the developing COVID-19 outbreak. The safety and well-being of all conference participants is our priority. After studying and evaluating the announcements, guidance, and news released by relevant national departments, CPS-IoT Week 2020 is still scheduled to happen 21-24 April, but in an entirely virtual format due to the outbreak. Pursuant to event guidelines, at least one author registration will be required for each paper to be included in the proceedings. Please stay tuned for guidance regarding the CPS-IoT Week 2020. If you have any questions or need additional information, please email us for further details.”
We obviously regret not seeing you in Sydney next month, but this is unavoidable given the circumstances. We are working out how to organise this fully-virtual conference and will keep you posted as we learn more.
Mar 20
COVID-19: Please watch CPS-IoT site
The situation concerning the spread of the COVID-19 virus is fluent, and organisers are considering options. We recommend monitoring the CPS-IoT Week web site for the latest updates.
Feb 20
Dec 19
Artifact Evaluations Announced
Authors of accepted RTAS papers are strongly encouraged to submit their research artifacts to independent evaluation, by 15 January.
Nov 19
Notifications deferred to 20 Dec
Due to RTSS being deferred, we had to make new arrangements for the RTAS PC meeting, which was to be co-located with RTSS in Hong Kong. The new notification date is 20 December. We will attempt to shift the camera-ready deadline as will, but cannot make any guarantees at this time.